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war on your freedom, mind, and soul?

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In this personal letter from InfoWars founder Alex Jones, you’ll discover how to protect you and your family’s freedom from the evil globalist agenda currently underway…

In this personal letter from InfoWars founder Alex Jones, you’ll discover how to protect you and your family’s freedom from the evil globalist agenda currently underway…

From The Desk Of Alex Jones
Austin, TX - InfoWars HQ
Dear Fellow Patriot,

My name is Alex Jones.

I’m going to assume if you’re reading this letter, you already know who I am.

You may have seen me on my own show, InfoWars…

Where every week we show tens of millions of people the truth behind what’s actually going on in the world…

Or, you’ve probably seen me on my shows with my good friend Joe Rogan…

Where collectively, across three episodes, we’ve amassed over 61,000,000 views.

But the point of this letter is not to talk about me.

It’s to talk about something very serious which you must understand…

There are very grave consequences if we collectively, as a nation, don’t start taking action immediately…

You need to read this, before it’s too late.

Right Now, I’m Going To Give You The Hidden Knowledge I’ve Spent 28 Years Uncovering...

My goal is for you to see the game the elites are playing.

… that’s the only way to defeat these sick and twisted bodies of power…

If you understand their gameplan, you won't become a victim to it.

After reading this, you’ll understand...
  • The Global Political Conspiracy That The Democrats Have Been Hiding For Decades (It’s Truly Disturbing…)
  • Why These “Demon Worshipping Groups Of Power” Are Hell Bent On Turning Us Into Slaves And What You Can Do To Fight Back...
  • What You Must Do Immediately To Protect Yourself, Your Family, And Your Loved Ones From This All-Out Assault On Our Personal Freedoms...
  • How To Break Free From The Mind Control Tactics That The CIA And Tyrannical Mass Media Don’t Want You To Know About…
  • ​The Three Tactics Used To Deliberately Lower Your Frequency In Order To Keep You Under Their Control… and much more.
  • The Global Political Conspiracy That The Democrats Have Been Hiding For Decades (It’s Truly Disturbing…)
  • Why These “Demon Worshipping Groups Of Power” Are Hell Bent On Turning Us Into Slaves And What You Can Do To Fight Back...
  • What You Must Do Immediately To Protect Yourself, Your Family, And Your Loved Ones From This All-Out Assault On Our Personal Freedoms...
  • How To Break Free From The Mind Control Tactics That The CIA And Tyrannical Mass Media Don’t Want You To Know About…
  • ​The Three Tactics Used To Deliberately Lower Your Frequency In Order To Keep You Under Their Control… and much more.
Understand this…

When we’re looking back a few years from now...

You’re going to realize that YOUR desire to find the truth was really what helped humanity win this war.

Let’s dive right in.

Who Are The Elite And What’s Really Going On?

It’s been proven that there’s a select class of people…

… and a few very large corporate entities…

… who have formed groups together to control a majority of the wealth and power in the world.

It used to be that they would make their moves for a new world order in the shadows...

But, with the amount of information being constantly shared through the internet, this is no longer possible for them.

Many individuals, including myself, wanted the general public to see that these elite groups DO in fact exist…

And more importantly, we wanted everyone to see that...

They Want A Global Power Structure To Make It Easier To Control Everyone’s Thoughts, Speech, And Actions

Make no mistake about it, these groups have been in control for hundreds of years.

They’re now seeing that the tactics which worked before no longer work...

In the medieval ages, mind control used to be as simple as putting someone in a cage in the town square whenever they went against the king’s orders….

Or, even hanging them if they continued to break the rules…

Citizens of the kingdom would see these public displays of torture and it would “program” them to follow the king’s rules.

But, in our advanced times, it’s not as simple…

The Groups That Are Now In Control Know We’re Awakening…

Because of the Internet, we are quite literally experiencing a new renaissance.

And remember, the renaissance came after the dark ages.

The world before the internet was our modern day version of the dark ages.

Think about all of the information that everyday people now have…

All of the secret teachings…

All of the hidden knowledge…

All of the information that the elite ruling class of people never intended for people like you and me to have access to.

Having access to this information is part of what separated them from the general public.

In fact, me sharing this information with you is extremely risky.

I’m currently being taken to court for talking about this on my show InfoWars…

And sharing this in written form is probably only going to do more damage.

But I don’t care, people need to know the truth, which is...

They’re Terrified Of The Power We Hold

They know we want to break free from the systems they’ve spent decades creating…

This year alone, many people have started to see this game they play for what it truly is.

And that’s the last thing the elite want.

This is why we see them pushing to convert the world into a system where we’re dependent on one singular government.

The plans for announcing a world ID…

A world vaccine passport…

And even a carbon passport that won’t just tax you for carbon use, but will actually tell you when and where you can go.

All of this is the foundation for setting up a system where...

we are being forced to abide  by their rules...

This is what the elites have been working to create and it’s called.. 

“The Great Reset.”

If there’s only one singular ruling power of law which you’re dependent on…

And you decide to not follow their rules…

You could be silenced.

You might not be able to get a job.

And just like the Soviet Union…

You may be thrown into prison.

You’ll be forced to give in to their new world order.

And this is the game they’re trying to play.

Now a logical person may ask…
If there’s only one singular ruling power of law which you’re dependent on…

And you decide to not follow their rules…

You could be silenced.

You might not be able to get a job.

And just like the Soviet Union…

You may be thrown into prison.

You’ll be forced to give in to their new world order.

And this is the game they’re trying to play.

Now a logical person may ask…

Why Do They Want To Do This To Us?

You have to think about who these psychotic people are…

Imagine being born into a family and *almost instantly* you’re worth billions of dollars…

You don’t care about getting a good job, buying a new car, or raising a family…

The next obvious conquest for them is to accumulate as much power as possible.

And who’s the most powerful individual in the world?


The elites see people on their knees worshipping the glory of god…

They see people asking for forgiveness from a loving god…

And following the principles laid out in the bible…

They see all of this and have a sick and twisted desire to create that kind of power for themselves.

They believe it’s their destiny to become god.

They Want To Oppress You...
They Believe You’re Inferior To Them

They Want To Oppress You... They Believe You’re Inferior To Them

When the elite look at normal, everyday people like you and me, they view us as nothing more than useful slaves.

It’s actually the opposite of what our founding fathers believed, which was that…

These uber wealthy globalists believe that only a select few deserve these unalienable rights.

And that the majority of the individuals who make up our society are nothing more than a waste of space.

I know that may sound crazy, but history will always repeat itself.

Why is it that Stalin killed 20 million of his own people?

Why is it that Mao killed over 50 million of his own people?

It’s because when you separate a group of people from god…
“Someone is going to step in and try to play god.”

It Sounds “Demonic”, And That’s Because It Is.

Due to the public nature of this letter, I’m not going to get into the names of specific individuals…

(they’re already trying to put me in prison for telling you this)...

But there is undeniable amounts of evidence that the elites believe they’re possessed by an off-world entity.
Look at all the symbolry, including the obvious pentagram on the Democratic Party’s 2020 campaign logo...
Look at all the gatherings these elite politicians and leaders get together at, such as Bohemian Grove…
Look at all of the pedophilia going on in politics, and the information being revealed from Epstein’s Island…
It’s alarming, I know.

They’re satan worshipping psychopaths trying to play god.

And they have one goal in mind:

They want to do everything they can to prevent the human race from realizing the potential of its power.

What These Satan Worshippers Don’t Want You To Understand...

One of the most famous physicists of all time, Max Planck, was quoted…
This conscious force which holds the atom together is what myself, and many others, believe to be god.

All of the religions, in one way or another, said we are all connected.

And what Max Planck was able to prove through his study of the atom, is what all of the ancients had been saying all along.

We’re not just a body of physical matter...

We’re consciousness existing in a vessel of flesh and bones.

All of us are connected through this source of energy.

Our True Power Comes From Coming Together, And Raising Our Energy

Make no mistake about it, you are a spiritual being connected to this conscious force of energy…

All of the science shows that our thoughts are nothing more than a frequency being emitted.

All of the emotions we experience from love to hate..
Each one affects the overall frequency we are emitting, and this is what shapes our level of consciousness.

The purpose God intended for us here on earth, was for us to create heaven on earth.

Since we are all connected through consciousness, the only way to do that is to collectively raise the group consciousness.

The Elite Understand This & Want To Make Sure We Never Realize This

Look at anything the mainstream media says, what are they constantly doing?

They’re trying to create division.

Their goal is to make sure that we never realize that we’re all connected together through our collective consciousness...

The last thing they want is for us to understand that God designed us to be a species connected together.

This is also why we see a deliberate dumbing down of society…

Someone operating a low frequency, filled with thoughts of hatred, oppression, and depression...

Will never realize that we’re all one.

And that is exactly what the Elite want…

They’ve Been Focused On Figuring Out Ways To Corrupt Your Mind.

The CIA in 1953, started a project many people now know about, called MK Ultra.1

This was when the US government was first finding out about the power of psychedelics…
They created experimental trials where they would try to induce mind control on an individual under extreme doses of psychedelic drugs.

They were able to train these people to obey any command.

A simple word could make one of the brainwashed victims grab a gun, and hurt themselves.

While this is on the extreme side of the spectrum for mind control…

It was the building blocks for what they’ve been instituting in our society…

They want to have total control over the thoughts that are currently going through your mind.

What The CIA Discovered With Their MK Ultra Experiments...

Just like a computer, our mind is programmed to perform according to the operating system we have installed…

Our operating system is nothing more than the outcome of the programming that started in our early childhood…

And what happened throughout our adult life.

Some programming is good and can serve an individual…

Like being raised from a loving family with strong values…

But some programming, like viruses, can harm the individual...

They Want To Install Viruses Into Your Mind In Order To Keep You From Realizing Your Power

It’s true...
By using social conditioning, they install viruses of…
  • Negative Emotions
  • Self Sabotaging Behaviors
  • Self-Loathing
  • ​Depression
  • ​Anxiety
  • ​And Many More...
When we’re first born, our minds are completely blank slates.

It’s why you see so many babies with a thousand-yard-stare…

They’re taking in all of the data from the world around them and trying to process it.

These viruses start getting planted when we’re young...

Through movies, television, music, and especially nowadays social media…

They want to program people with the belief that they’re not enough and that they’re a flawed, worthless creature. 

How sick is that?

This Is Their End Game

Make no mistake about it, this is an all-out war.

But you have to understand this isn’t a physical war taking place on the frontlines with tanks and soldiers…

This is a mental war. 
The elite want to capture your mind, so that they can then steal for your soul.

You see, that’s what “The Great Reset” is about.

If they can take control and form a one world government…

Which tracks and monitors the behavior of every single individual…

They can wage an all-out assault on both your mind and your soul.

That way they can keep you from the connection you’re supposed to have with God, your family, and the people you care about most…

And in the end, fulfill their sick and twisted desire to create hell on Earth.

My Goal In Writing You This Letter Is NOT To Convince You This Is Happening…

If I wanted to do that, I could write you a letter the length of a book, filled with proof.

If you don’t believe it already, even though these elites have failed to keep their wicked plans for third-dimensional control a secret…

I wouldn’t read a word further of this letter.

This letter is intended for the person who already knows this to be true.

That’s you, isn’t it?

You understand what’s happening right now and you know why this letter is so important, right?

I want you to understand...

It’s only when you accept that there is an incredibly evil group of people in the world attempting The Great Reset, who want a one-world corporate government….

Then you can learn how to defeat them.

So you may be wondering...

How Do We Defeat These Evil Powers Coming For Our Freedom?

I cannot emphasize this enough…

If no one plays their game, they can’t win.

The more people who realize this and take the necessary steps to protect their minds and their souls…

The higher chance we have of winning this war.

Because once you can see the game, you can choose not to play the game.

But that’s the problem...

People who are completely unaware, don’t even see a game being played…

And people who are somewhat aware, can only see parts of the game being played.

Understand, What I’ve Laid Out For You Today Is Just A 35,000 Foot View…

Already, this letter is quite long…

And if I were to go into detail and show you every single part of the game they’re playing to control society, your mind, and your soul…

This letter would be about 15x as long as it already is...

But in order to protect yourself from the agenda these evil forces have created…

It is absolutely crucial that you understand their gameplan in full.

If you’re interested in understanding how to fight back against these evil powers... 

I’m Giving You The Globalist’s Entire Playbook So You Can Protect Yourself From Their Attack On Your Freedom, Your Mind, And Your Soul...

We’re calling it Reset-Wars.

I’m risking my life and my own freedom to share with you the elite’s secrets of how reality ACTUALLY works, so you can use it to your benefit…

I’m going to reveal what they’re trying to hide so you can see their mind games from a thousand miles away…

And you’re going to discover exactly how to fight back against the new world order so you never end up a slave to their evil power...

ResetWars is the most detailed explanation available of what’s currently going on in the world…

I can't tell you exactly how deep this goes on this public website, because they're already trying to throw me in prison...

But I can say this about it:
  • In Section One, I’m Going To Break Down All The Tactics Currently Being Used In Their Attempt To Control Your Mind And Capture Your Soul, And I’ll Show You How To Make Sure They Never Succeed
  • In Section Three, I’m Going To Show You The True Goals Of The Great Reset So You Can Understand It Fully And Explain It Simply To Anyone
  • In Section Six, You’ll Discover Three Exercises You Can Easily Do On A Daily Basis To Raise Your Consciousness & Protect Yourself From The Toxic Negativity The Mass Media Machine Throws At You Everyday
  • ​In Section Ten, You’ll See The Science Behind Your Connection To God And What The Elite Do To Ruin This Bond 
That’s a small portion of the material you’re going to discover once you dive into ResetWars.

We filmed all six hours of the content at our studio here at the InfoWars HQ…

And packed it all in an easy to consume format that is extremely informative, interesting, and enlightening.

We’ve Put Together A Special Offer For Anyone Reading This Letter

The material inside ResetWars is going to be retailing at $297 or more in the near future...
However, we’re having a Censorship Special at 50% off for a limited time... taking the price down to just $148...
After this Censorship Special, you'll pay the full price of ~$300. So join as soon as you can.
Listen, it’s as simple as signing up and you’ll get access to the material right away.
Here’s why you need to take action right now...

Currently, there is an active subpoena out for me.

They’re trying to take me to court so they can completely shut down InfoWars along with all of my products…

And possibly even send me to prison.

They’ve already shut me down on all social platforms...

I’m even getting death threats every single day from anonymous numbers…

They’re doing everything in their power to stop me from exposing these evil powers to the world. 

I truly have no idea what’s going to happen or if they’re going to succeed in shutting me down.

And if they do end up getting rid of me…

You won’t be able to get access to the truth.

You won’t be able to share this truth with the people you care about.

You won’t know how to fight back.

This is why it’s so important that you act now, before it’s too late.

If You Want To Defeat These Power Hungry Elitists, You Need To Do Your Part In Spreading The Truth

I understand I’m not going to be able to reach every individual out there.

But again, I understand the power of humans connected together.

I know that when you consume the content inside Reset Wars….

You’re going to understand the agenda underway right now.

You’ll know how to educate the people around you.

You’re going to be able to make the world a better place for you, your family, and all the generations to come.

I want you to understand this, because we need you.

Quite Literally, I’m Asking You For Your Help.

You need to help other people break free from the illusion they’re currently experiencing.

This is the only way we can possibly win this massive war.

I’m not asking you to run up and down the street yelling everything you learn about inside ResetWars…
But think about what happens if you help 10 people wake up.

It may seem small, but think about the trickle down effect that will happen from there…

Those 10 people can each go help 10 more people…

And if everyone who goes through ResetWars does this, it won’t be long before we’re waking up millions of people…

This is how we fight back for our freedom...

And it’s why I want you to become a Freedom Fighter

You need to help other people break free from the illusion they’re currently experiencing.

This is the only way we can possibly win this massive war.

I’m not asking you to run up and down the street yelling everything you learn about inside ResetWars…
But think about what happens if you help 10 people wake up.

It may seem small, but think about the trickle down effect that will happen from there…

Those 10 people can each go help 10 more people…

And if everyone who goes through ResetWars does this, it won’t be long before we’re waking up millions of people…

This is how we fight back for our freedom...

And it’s why I want you to become a Freedom Fighter

If You Want To Become A Freedom Fighter, For Yourself, Your Family, And The People You Care About…

Now is the time to act.

If you look at the bottom of this page you’ll see a button you can click to get started.

You’ll be taken to our secure checkout page, where you’ll be able to get instant access to all of the content inside ResetWars.

I can’t wait to hear how this material changes your life and understanding of the world.

In fact, I’m so confident that you’re going to love ResetWars…

I’m Going To Take All The Risk Off The Table For You

Again, the content inside ResetWars is 6 hours in total.

You could watch it in a day or a weekend…

But I’m going to give you a full 30 days after you join to watch the content inside…

This is my “Gold Standard Guarantee.”

If you’re not a fan of what I have to say…

Or if you don’t believe that this is the best content available online to help you escape the games the elite are trying to play with your mind and soul…

I’ll send you back your money right away…

And even let you keep your access to ResetWars.

I don’t care if you send us an email 29 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes after you join…

You’ll still get a refund sent back to you the same day.

That’s how confident I am that you’re going to be blown away by what we’ve put together for you.

Don't just take our word for it ...This is what people are saying about ResetWars

Right now there are really two possible decisions you can make.

I believe if you’ve gotten this far into reading this letter…

You believe what I’ve said so far.

You know that the world is at risk of falling under the control of these evil power-hungry elites…

But it’s up to you whether or not you want to do something about it.

It’s been said for thousands of years, knowledge is power…

And this is the knowledge you need if you want to make sure they don’t win.

You can sit on the sidelines and hope nothing bad happens…

Or you can make the decision today to become a Freedom Fighter, and take matters into your own hands.

If you’d like to do that, simply click the button below.

If you’re one of those scroll to the bottom to see what this is all about kind of people, let me give you a quick rundown...

Right now, there’s an all-out war that the elites are taking part in to gain control over the entire world.

First, it will start with creating a global government in order to create a society that has zero choice but to listen to the power in charge…

Then, it will move into an all-out assault on our minds, controlling what we think, say, and do...

And finally, it will end with a war on our soul, to keep us separated from the power we can find within god.

They are already taking steps towards this, anybody who’s partially aware can already see this.

I’ve put 6 hours worth of video into a playbook showing you the truth behind the current agenda taking place…

And it’s also going to show you how to protect yourself from this attack on your personal freedom.

I’ve called it ResetWars.

It’ll show you from start to finish every single part of their mind control playbook…

And you’ll discover what to do in your own personal life to make sure their tricks don’t work on you.

If you’d like to get access to the content inside ResetWars, click the button below!

If you’re one of those scroll to the bottom to see what this is all about kind of people, let me give you a quick rundown...

Right now, there’s an all-out war that the elites are taking part in to gain control over the entire world.

First, it will start with creating a global government in order to create a society that has zero choice but to listen to the power in charge…

Then, it will move into an all-out assault on our minds, controlling what we think, say, and do...

And finally, it will end with a war on our soul, to keep us separated from the power we can find within god.

They are already taking steps towards this, anybody who’s partially aware can already see this.

I’ve put 6 hours worth of video into a playbook showing you the truth behind the current agenda taking place…

And it’s also going to show you how to protect yourself from this attack on your personal freedom.

I’ve called it ResetWars.

It’ll show you from start to finish every single part of their mind control playbook…

And you’ll discover what to do in your own personal life to make sure their tricks don’t work on you.

If you’d like to get access to the content inside ResetWars, click the button below!
Business Address: 33302 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA, 92675 USA
The content of this Program, entitled Reset Wars, is designed for instructional and educational purposes only.
 It expresses the views, opinions and analysis of Alex Jones and Alex Jones exclusively.
 As such, the content is not intended to represent or warrant the accuracy or truthfulness of any particular
statement or any information disseminated herein; and accordingly, Alex Jones, as well as any and all individuals or entities
participating in the production and distribution of Reset Wars,
disclaim any and all warranties or representations of any nature whatsoever.
1 Kinzer, Stephen. “Project MKUltra.”  Wikipedia,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra. 
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